
    Tebis Consulting Management Consulting

    Do you lack the time and contacts to evaluate and optimize management issues? Tebis Consulting helps you improve your company's productivity with a high degree of consulting expertise.

    Companies continually develop with their markets: They adapt to new trends, producenew products and implement projects of increasing scope.

    It’s therefore important to continuously review existing processes and procedures. We combine our practical industry knowledge with outstanding consulting services and a high level of implementation expertise. Your success is the focus of our work, as we see ourselves as your partner – experienced, respectful and realistic

    Outstanding consulting services
    Documented with multiple awards
    Solid manufacturing knowledge
    Strong in die, mold and machine manufacturing
    Specializing in medium-sized companies
    Along the entire value creation chain
    Action-oriented implementation
    Transparent procedures

    Up-to-date instead of out-of-date

    If you focus on the future with a clear mission statement, you’ll make the right decisions. This is exactly where Tebis Consulting comes into play. Tebis offers manufacturing-related consulting and reliable answers. 

    We work with you to develop sustainable visions, reasonable concepts for the future and specific entrepreneurial objectives. We’ll work together to develop individual strategies and measures, improve project management and find new ways to motivate your employees.

    Successfully implementing everything requires changes in the company. This can conceal stumbling blocks: Studies have shown that nine out of ten changes in companies fail on account of neglect in implementation. The experienced consultants from Tebis will guide you through the necessary changes by providing specific recommendations for action and by coaching employees.

    Possible scenarios for management consulting

    For perspective, stability and motivation

    Do you know where you will be in 10 years? Change require orientation and a clear direction. The vision a company has for itself significantly influences its ability to ensure competitiveness over the long term, motivate employees and attract new talent.

    Because the corporate strategy and short-term objectives are derived from the vision, it provides the foundation for long-term success.

    So: First develop your vision and derive your strategy from that. Then determine the objectives and measures from the strategy.

    Our services

    We work with you to define your vision and strategy based on current market developments and trends, relevant competitors, your product portfolio, your existing resources and infrastructure, and your objectives. Determining your situation is supported by our extensive industry database (anonymized, of course) with comparison data and parameters from over 100 companies. 

    We also help you find answers when you’re confronted with questions about investments and technology. Whether and to what extent a company should become Industry 4.0-capable can only be realistically answered with an overarching objective.

    How we support you:

    • Development of a corporate mission statement comprising a vision and mission
    • Positioning of the company based on industry-specific parameters
    • Involvement of employees, for example, through surveys
    • Internal establishment of the mission statement, for example, through workshops and booklets
    • Communication of the mission statement, for example, by developing communication measures

    Consistent, systematic and practically oriented

    Company goals serve to mark out the path to the future. Achieving these goals requires more than just knowing the direction. No matter what your actual company objectives are: You must have a clear understanding of how to achieve them. Work together with Tebis Consulting to develop a strategy for systematically bundling your company's potential, energy and resources. For example, the strategy defines the product orientation and development of the organization and employees. Tebis consultants focus on future-oriented technologies in the age of digitalization. It’s important to find out what investments are worthwhile for you – from appropriate hardware and software to implementing of suitable processes. A concept that structures all of these success factors and harmonizes them with the overall corporate goal.

    Our services

    We take an in-depth look at your company and work with you to develop a sound concept for the future. For example, we determine:

    • How to align your product portfolio
    • What technologies are relevant for you
    • What software supports you best
    • What hardware investments are worthwhile
    • Where automation makes sense
    • When purchasing parts is cost-effective
    • How best to implement major projects
    • What technical knowledge your employees need

    Better order management in die, model and mold manufacturing

    Small and medium-sized companies are confronted with dynamic markets, shorter innovation cycles and increasingly complex requirements. Processing orders as efficiently as possible is therefore more and more important and has become a true competitive factor. A well-planned, monitored and controlled project ensures that you can manage your orders as expected by the customer – within the agreed time, budget, quality and scope.

    Successful projects

    In hundreds of consulting projects, Tebis consultants have seen that companies struggle with planning, implementing and controlling projects. Resource and capacity planning is too vague, customers submit change requests, unscheduled additional expenditures and conflicts are preprogrammed. Project costs run out of control, supplier management is suboptimal and the flow of information is often unclear. The result: Project efficiency suffers and personnel lose motivation.

    However, successful projects don’t require magic. Project management can be optimized. The following factors are crucial:

    • Improving internal and external communication
    • Early detection of problems and deviation from plans
    • Standardizing and structuring project processing
    • Implementing resource and capacity planning 
    • Ensuring appreciation of the defined project work in the company
    • Implementing necessary project management tools

    Results from practice: Project management at Josef Hofmann Modell- und Leuchtentechnik GmbH

    How-to video: Project management

    Professional project management can help you to implement processes and projects in manufacturing companies more effectively, on time and within the specified budget. Tebis Consulting will show you how. 

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    Establish incentives and gain satisfaction

    With today’s shortage of qualified personnel, satisfied employees constitute a competitive advantage: The company can retain them and their technical expertise for a longer period. A company's most important asset consists of motivated employees. They work precisely, quickly and independently, think strategically and provide top quality – thereby automatically ensuring higher productivity.

    But how to keep employees motivated? The proverbial carrot only works for a short time: Employees aren’t donkeys. You therefore need specific solutions

    Motivation is a matter for management

    Long-term motivation includes factors like recognition, personal responsibility and team spirit. The Tebis consultants support you in identifying and implementing the right incentives by qualifying management and employees for new roles.

    Leadership is also a skill that can be learned. Tebis Consulting holds coaching sessions to teach your management how to:

    • Successfully conduct meetings with employees
    • Establish individual incentives
    • Define achievable and challenging goals
    • Win over employees to create change in the company
    • Establish team spirit and build trust
    • Increase personal responsibility
    • Successfully structure change processes


    Tebis Consulting is known for its professional approach and for consistently processing pending issues to achieve project goals. A highly motivated team comprehensively analyzed and assessed our process to optimize and tailored it to our needs. We can recommend Tebis Consulting without hesitation.

    Markus Finke, Managing Director, Finke Formenbau GmbH
    Alliances for the future

    "We take manufacturing companies burdened by intensive manual processes and prepare them for the future," says Jens Lüdtke. The head of Tebis Consulting talks about strategies and processes for the future of die manufacturing.

    Read full interview
    Gut feeling meets data

    Diedrich Diedrichsen, managing partner of Heinz Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, on successful process changes in the company.

    Diedrich Diedrichsen, Managing partner

    Heinz Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Preußisch Oldendorf, Germany

    Read full interview

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