
    A Tebis customer for the past 22 years

    In addition to its wide range of functions, this model and mold manufacturer in Heilbronn, Germany, especially values the Simulator’s seamless integration into the system. The Tebis Simulator ensures a reliable process workflow, even during the night shift and on weekends.


    A. Erglis GmbH


    Heilbronn, Germany


    Complete software solution for end-to-end processes

    • Flexible programming
    • Ensured process reliability with collision checking
    • Unattended night-shift operation


    Model making



    Interviewee: Rainer Eckelt, Managing director

    The very clear and unambiguous structure of the software enables us to work efficiently. The intuitive operating processes simplify design and programming, enabling operators to focus on the essentials.

    Rainer Eckelt, Managing director, A. Erglis GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany

    At Erglis, the machines operate around the clock. The company specializes in high-end composite models and molds, especially for the automotive and aerospace industry, and they meet the demand for greater efficiency through a high degree of flexibility and productivity. This model and mold manufacturer uses end-to-end support from Tebis, and the current Version 3.5 software package contributes efficiently to the creation of an ideal design and production process. "We’ve been working with Tebis for 22 years, and our designers and programmers are perfectly attuned to the system,” explains Rainer Eckelt, master model-maker and Managing Director of Erglis. "The very clear and unambiguous structure of the software enables us to work efficiently. The intuitive operating processes simplify design and programming, enabling operators to focus on the essentials."

    Flexible end-to-end Tebis installation

    Erglis uses Tebis throughout – from the interface workstation with all design functionalities to six CAD/CAM stations for programming, three Organizers on two Zimmermann FZ37 machines and one DMC 105 V to the three measuring station modules. The company also uses a floating license environment: each programmer can access the required modules for their programming requirements from a pool of licenses available to the entire company, and return the licenses to the pool when their calculations are completed. This makes their programming very flexible – without major expenses.

    Zimmermann FZ 37 in operation. Collision checking in the Simulator rules out the possibility of damage to either the machine or the components.

    Nearly every workpiece is unique – hence, design and programming are essential functions. A broad diversity of employee knowledge is emphasized at Erglis: the designers are also programmers and vice versa. "With its high degree of consistency, the Tebis software is very helpful, because flexibility is absolutely essential for us,” stresses Eckelt. "We work in two shifts plus an unmanned night shift, because the machines need to be working day and night."

    Tebis enables paperless manufacturing

    This requires a continuous flow of information. "We hardly use any paper,” Eckelt explains. "All information is stored in the system. If anything is unclear to the operator at the machine, the Tebis Organizer provides access to the entire file and all the relevant data." The Organizer provides the same data as the design and programming modules: "This is very useful, especially when questions arise,” he adds. "The designer and machine operator can open the same view on their monitors and be assured that they are talking about the same structures."

    "We hardly use any paper” – only an image showing the setup orientation and a list of the required tools is printed out.

    Simulation provides a "reassuring feeling”

    An important factor for high productivity is that workpiece setup is already defined during the design phase. "We have set up quick clamping systems on our small machines and created modular clamping systems for the larger installations,” the master mold-maker explains. "Components can usually only be programmed effectively if the clamping devices are taken into account. That’s why we have stored them in the system as standards."

    The mold manufacturer especially values the seamless integration of the simulation in the programming environment. "We have stored our machines, including all relevant clamping systems, in Tebis and so we can use this data repeatedly,” Eckelt explains. "Thanks to the closely linked programming and simulation, we can ensure a very high process reliability by running the collision check. This is reassuring to me, as I’m the person ultimately responsible. This year, for the first time, we were able to have the machines running unmanned over the Easter holiday. Of course, the planning function of the Tebis Simulator is also helpful in the programming process. The component can be placed on the machine to virtually define the right setups, tools and orientations."

    Thanks to the closely linked programming and simulation, high process reliability is ensured by the collision check – especially when things get tight.
    Detailed representation of the machine and the modular setup system with workpiece. Checking of the machining by the Tebis Simulator is the essential element that provides us with a sense of security when the machine is running over the weekend.

    If a workpiece needs to be machined on a different machine on short notice, feasibility can be quickly and easily checked in a simulation: for example, if the workpiece needs to be higher due to a different machine concept. This simplifies the work and significantly increases flexibility.

    Automation establishes new standards

    "Another benefit of Tebis is its high degree of NC automation,” Eckelt adds. "Similar components can be programmed in the same way, thanks to NC templates. Machining steps can be predefined depending on the required quality and the machine and tools used, as well as desired tolerances and other factors. These templates are not static – they can react flexibly to changes in the design model."

    Close contact with the software partner is important for the Heilbronn company. "They clearly listen to what we specify as requirements or request as supplementary functions,” says Eckelt "Relevant solutions are usually integrated into the next release. When we’ve faced major challenges, the Tebis experts have frequently helped us – quickly and unbureaucratically. That’s why the Tebis software is an important factor in terms of using our machines efficiently, economically and with high process reliability."