
    Legal notice

    T e b i s
    Technische Informationssysteme AG

    Einsteinstr. 39
    82152 Martinsried/Planegg
    Phone: +49/89/81803-0
    Fax: +49/89/81803-8200


    Chairman of the supervisory board:
    Bernhard Rindfleisch

    Board of Directors:
    Dr. Thomas Wrede

    Munich Commercial Registry: HRB 97022

    VAT ID number: DE129274979

    Liability notice:

    Despite careful checking, we assume no liability for the contents of external links. The contents of linked pages are the exclusive responsibility of their operators. Please also observe the exclusion of liability page.

    Data protection notice:

    Tebis AG takes the protection and security of your personal data seriously. We therefore comply absolutely with the stipulations of general data protection laws in processing personal data collected when you visit our website. Please also observe the data protection page.

    Copyright notice:

    We claim the copyright for our text and graphics. The use, reproduction or transmittal of the individual contents or complete pages from our website is prohibited without written approval by Tebis Technische Informationssysteme AG.

    Design and Realization

    DGTLS GmbH 
    Implerstraße 24
    81371 München
