
    New features in Tebis 4.1

    Full of features

    More CADmore CAMmore automationoptimized measurement processes: Tebis 4.1 gives you many functions to make your entire manufacturing process even more economical and reliable. 

    CAD – parametric design

    Faster preparation for manufacturing: Highly automated, flexible preparation of CAM programming with parametric CAD templates

    Every imported data set must be prepared for CAM programming in design. This usually takes many individual work steps: Bores for clamping systems must be placed, tilt axis systems defined, fill surfaces designed, blanks created, connection points for setups generated, clamping devices positioned and retract planes defined. These many individual steps can be highly automated in Tebis using parametric CAD templates. These templates can be extended as needed and can be adapted to meet customer-specific requirements. Users can still be highly flexible: Changes – like selecting a different setup system – can now be directly and conveniently controlled via the user parameters in the object tree.

    Parametric template technology and the proven Tebis CAM template technology for automated NC programming go hand in hand: They both contain the company's own manufacturing expertise in CAD and for CAM. CAD and CAM templates enable faster and more efficient manufacturing, and they ensure standards and uniform quality. Companies can be less dependent on the expertise of individual specialists, and new employees will get up to speed more quickly and start contributing productively to the company's success in the shortest possible time.

    The parametric CAD functions are included in the Tebis CAD base model.

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    Position clamping devices fully automatically using parametric CAD templates, or generate auxiliary geometries and blanks.
    Conveniently and flexibly replace individual components afterwards.

    Quickly and easily create holes and pockets

    The "Solid/Hole" and "Solid/Pocket" functions can be used to create parametric holes, threads and pockets very conveniently at different tilt directions: Simply select the ruled geometry with its complete description – for example, for multi-step holes – directly from the feature library and insert it in the part. This increases process reliability and promotes consistency of the process workflows. As an alternative, you can design bores, threads and pockets interactively. 

    The bores and pockets can be subtracted from the component with just a few mouse clicks and can later be adjusted at any time. 
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    CAD – Electrode design

    Quickly and reliably design electrodes

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    Electrode projects can be created and managed as objects right in the new CAD structure tree. The key advantage: You store the part and reference point only once in the project – all the electrodes in this project then reference the same part and the same reference point. Of course, you can interactively modify conditions for individual electrodes at any time. 

    In addition, multiple geometrically identical electrodes can be automatically created and combined in an electrode family. For example, if you need geometrically identical electrodes with different spark gaps for roughing and finishing, this can now be very easily realized with a click of your mouse.

    Practical filtering also ensures that the appropriate blank and holder for the electrode are selected. The blank is automatically oriented to the burn surfaces.

    Manufacturing and measuring programs can also be managed through the structure tree. Electrode information is documented and transferred.


    CAD – Active surface design

    Precise results when trimming deep-drawing and bending parts

    The "Create development curves" function can be used to quickly and easily determine theoretically designed trim edges for flanges for deep-drawing and bending parts. The material thickness of the component and the location of the neutral fiber are accounted for – the result is highly preciseand no manual reworking is necessary. The quality of the resulting curves corresponds to that of the original curves.
    Multiple calculation modes cover different use cases.
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    Transfer the trim edge with various modes while accounting for material thickness.

    CAD – Reverse engineering

    More control: Create CAD surfaces more precisely

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    Targeted optimization of surface result: Within the G0 loop radius, Tebis primarily the surface to the boundary curve rather than to the scan data. 
    When generating high-quality design surfaces, Tebis draws the individual polynomial surfaces to both the 3D scan and designed curves for example, defined characteristic lines (approximation). After this approximation, Zebra shading and curvature analyses often show that the surface quality in the transition areas between two main surfaces is insufficient.

    Tebis 4.1 solves this problem. The new G0 loop radius can be used to assign an edge the special properties that the boundary curve takes precedence in approximating the surface. To do this, simply place a loop (red) around the continuous edges of the affected facet and specify the size – either predefined as the same size everywhere or manually adjustable using individual drag arrows. Tebis then immediately displays the change in the CAD surface for optimal surface quality

    CAM – Automation

    Faster programming thanks to improved NCJob technology

    Your CAM programs are finished more quickly with these new features:

    Take advantage of the opportunity to automatically apply interactively defined milling areas from previous NCJobs in milling – in this way you reduce manual intervention in CAM programming and calculate entire NCJob sequences at once. CAM programming is also considerably simplified – you can easily manage combined machining operations in an end-to-end CAM template.  

    And you can avoid issues such as superfluous calculation times by conveniently calculating multiple NCJobs simultaneously up to "Areas calculated" or "Sorting executed" status. 

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    Automatically apply interactive area changes from previous jobs.

    Quickly and easily change machining sequence

    Convenient and reliable: If you intersect features with the "Cut" function, the selection sequence determines the machining sequence. The new "Sequence" function now enables this sequence to be changed later as needed. The gap areas adjust themselves automatically.
    This is how the machining sequence can also be modified for existing feature groups.
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    Change machining sequence later

    Flexible NC programs with bore patterns

    You can output NC programs with bore patterns to enable responses to changes that are not communicated through 3D data in drilling. Element selection in feature machining has also been extended, allowing you to select features in the same tilt direction and plane and with the same dimensions and NCSet. The resulting toolpath is then output as a bore pattern, which allows you to flexibly modify the drilling positions in the control.

    Automatically detect spot face depth

    Simplify machining of bores and standard pockets. Specific spot face depths can also be automatically determined when scanning features if they do not start on a planar surface. This value is entered in the feature as the pilot depth. Even if the pilot depth cannot be automatically determined, the "Automation/RuledEdit/Pilot" function can be used to specify a pilot depth for individual features based on a surface element. Reliable automatic processing of the standard pockets and bores with NCSet templates creates a spot face at the pilot depth.

    CAM – Drilling

    Flexibly use special cutters

    When using combined special cutters with several cutting edge areas with different diameters, only the diameter of the active cutting edge determines whether the tool is suitable for the specific machining task. This enables highly flexible use of special cutters for drill-milling and thread milling in bores and circular pockets – regardless of the diameter of the largest cutting area. The plausibility check also only accounts for the properties of the cutting area actually used. 

    Quickly and conveniently drill multiple sections

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    Drilling in sections and link bore features
    Ideal for series production: Now use the "Drilling in sections" function to automatically create multi-step bores; different depths of cut and cutting data can be specified for each bore. You can do this by preparing the bores for machining with the revised "Link bore features" function.
    The "Drilling in sections" function replaces the previous "Create toolpath for deep bores" function (MDEEP).

    This function is also appropriate for manufacturing welded frames that often require fits to be created in multiple plates that have large free spaces between them. It can also be reasonably implemented in unit construction: for example, if sections with material and gap areas alternate in bearing guides.

    CAM – Milling

    Optimal cutting conditions for roughing rotationally symmetrical parts

    A real plus for combined turning/milling operations: In addition to cylindrical parts, tapered parts like screw conveyors can now also be machined with high efficiency. The tool first roughs the part to the maximum possible depth with a low stepover and large downfeed in a single pass, and it then machines the residual stock from bottom to top at a smaller cutting depth – and precisely to the stock allowance. This procedure reduces tool wear and ensures a high material removal rate on the machine. The user programs the final finishing operation very conveniently with a special function: Only the strategy is replaced – the system does the rest.

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    Roughing rotationally symmetrical components in a single operation with high stepover and finishing with low stepover.

    Safely manufacture external threads

    External threads can now be quickly manufactured in just one NC program – including stud, tap and chamfer. This gives parts manufacturers even more options for programming toolpaths quickly, completely and safely in a simulation-supported CAM system.
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    Efficiently machine planar areas

    It’s usually more cost-effective to machine the planar areas of a part after hardening with a smaller stock allowance than the non-planar areas Special tool types like large insert mills can then be used for this step. Tebis therefore offers a new function that automatically detects purely planar areas within selected part surfaces without the need to further subdivide the part.
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    Efficiently machine planar areas

    Prevent minimal residual stock areas in roughing

    Depending on the manufacturing situation, you can now limit or completely prevent residual stock areas when roughing with the "Off," "Low," "Middle" and "High" area filters. When the "Off" option is selected, all residual stock areas are machined for a continuous stock allowance. Machining time is correspondingly longer. If the "High" option is selected, smaller residual stock areas aren’t machined. These can then be cleared with a smaller tool when re-roughing, for example. The "Low" and "Middle" options provide intermediate steps.
    Prevent areas of residual stock

    Reliable milling by accounting for the machine head

    Quickly create collision-checked toolpaths: In the event of possible collisions with the machine head, milling areas are automatically reduced or are excluded from the machining operation in the NC calculation.

    You benefit from greater process safety and enjoy tremendous time savings: Without automatic area reduction, you have to manually correct the collision after calculation and then recalculate the machining operation. With area reduction, you can use the shortest tools for every milling job, ensuring optimal cutting conditions.
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    Machine planar surfaces more efficiently

    Cut division is now calculated from the flanks in axis parallel planar surface machining with the "2.5D milling/Roughing planar surfaces" and "2.5D milling/Bottom finishing planar surfaces" functions. Path sorting can now start from either the outside or inside. You can also machine correspondingly narrow areas with a single path with a freely definable center offset.

    Finish contours with radius correction with downward machining

    A new strategy is available for downward machining on contour finishing. This can also be combined with roughing in an NCJob and also generated with radius correction, if desired. This results in an optimized finishing process.

    Contour machining with automatic avoidance

    Protected surfaces can be avoided in Z-variable machining of contours. The tool retracts before the protected surface at a freely definable angle, traverses the protected geometry at the defined allowance and moves downward again after the protected surfaces. The entire length of the cutter is therefore used even in difficult geometry and clamping situations.

    Faster completion with separate offset values

    An additional axial or radial allowance can be assigned to enable roughing with a different allowance in flat and steep areas. This additional allowance is added to the general allowance. For example, flat areas can be finished immediately afterwards, while steep areas are prefinished. Areas with negative overlap can be defined so that the tool doesn´t engage too much material on steep flanks.

    Automatic tilt direction calculation with circle-segment cutters

    This new function greatly simplifies the programming of multi-axis toolpaths for pre-finishing and finishing with circle-segment cutters, also known as "barrel cutters". It automatically determines the best tilt direction for manufacturing the machining area completely free of collisions. The function simultaneously calculates the optimal contact point at the surface boundary to ensure the maximum possible material removal. Machining is indexed or 5-axis simultaneous: The user can independently specify the preferred variant or can leave the decision up to the system.
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    Automatically determine optimal tilt direction for finishing with circle-segment cutters.

    Best milling results with circle segment milling cutters

    Very high accuracy: Barrel, cone and drop cutter geometries can now be precisely represented by entering parameters: For the best surfaces, define the "ideal" contact point specified by the tool manufacturer. You can also define a range that is limited by a minimum and maximum angle. These specifications are used in calculating 5-axis simultaneous toolpaths for roughing and finishing contours and for side milling. If you select a constant slope angle, only the tangency point is taken into account in the tool tilt direction. When a variable slope is selected, the cutter uses the entire angle range
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    Continuous, automated 3-axis finishing of flank surfaces, transition areas and bottom surfaces with no offset

    Geometries with steep flank surfaces, straight bottom surfaces and entrance and exit radii – like ribs and slots – can now be machined automatically and with a uniform step and 3-axis Z-constant machining using the “Finishing surfaces” function – with no retract movementswith no extra design effort and at outstanding quality
    Uniform path distance with continuous Z-constant finishing.

    Quickly and reliably remachine fillets

    Enable automatic determination of the maximum depth at which material is removed from fillets. This value is separately calculated for each fillet so that all fillets are completely machined. This enables fast and reliable work even with the smallest tools in your project.

    Best surface quality with 3to5-axis machining

    Machine the best surfaces with the "3to5-axis" collision avoidance strategy. The positions of the rotational axes are now better synchronized for adjacent toolpaths. The tool also pivots more smoothly to the new tilt direction in corners. The new analysis function in interactive calculation can be used to evaluate the tilt angle of the A/B axis, the rotation angle of the C axis, the change in angle per path and the height profile before manufacturing surfaces at top quality.


    Targeted control of tool movements in 3to5ax machining operations

    3+2-axis programmed toolpaths can be automatically converted to 5-axis simultaneous toolpaths. It is also possible to specifically influence the tool movements and thus optimally adapt the cutting conditions to the specific machining situation

    The "Interpolate vectors" option is useful for avoiding potential collisions with the machine head: for example, those detected during the NC calculation: Select any number of designed linear curves as vectors. These determine the tool direction and traverse movements. The system automatically interpolates between adjacent vectors. 

    In the "Plumb element" option, selected guide elements such as axis systems, points, curves, surfaces, topologies or meshes are used to specify the tool tilt direction and traverse movements. These plumb elements always intersect with the tool axis. This option is especially recommended if better results can be achieved with 5-axis simultaneous machining than with 3+2-axis movements due to the surface shape. 

    In both options, you can select between fixed and variable tilting angles around the tilt axis. They can also be combined with automatic avoidance movements at any time. 
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    Interpolate vectors
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    Best surfaces with perpendicular elements

    CAM – Lathe

    Turning with convenient cutting off of the part

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    Parts can be cut off from bar stock with a special function for automated machining on lathes or turning-milling centers. You can quickly and easily define the optimal cutting conditions for feed rate and speed on material exit. You can easily cut the part off straight or finish its contour at the same time without having to design any auxiliary geometry. You can deburr the part and turn the bar side flat during cutoff. In this way you can immediately manufacture the next part with the bar stock. The cut off part can be transferred to the second spindle or taken by the part gripper/catcher – automatically controlled and reliably simulated. 

    Improved cutting data management for turning tools

    Also make optimal use of your turning tools. A material-independent depth of cut (ap) can now also be defined for turning tools. These values can be automatically applied in contour turning and downward machining. This allows you to use the best possible cutting data at all times on each machine group for each material and each machining type.

    Reliable turning calculations with the tool carrier

    Prevent collisions with the tool holder in turning during calculation. Regardless of whether your machine has a turret or a machine head, the machined areas can be limited if necessary to prevent collisions. This enables fast and reliable calculation of NC programs even for complex machining operations.

    CAM – Machine technology

    Improved support for multi-channel machine tools

    This innovation is especially advantageous for manufacturing companies that rely on combined turning/milling operations, especially if the components to be machined have a high milling fraction: Tebis can now be used to program toolpaths for sequential processing on machines with multiple tool and component holders. The individual steps – such as milling with a milling head or turret, stabilizing with a centering tip or clamping with a sub spindle – can be combined in any way. All tool and component holders are stored in the virtual Tebis process libraries: These can be interchanged quickly and flexibly in programming. As always in Tebis, all system components are fully accounted for in collision checking and simulation. Programming is as easy as can be, following Tebis's stringent and proven programming logic. Tebis automatically generates NC code for any machines and supports all control-specific program structures, such as Gildemeister structure programs.

    Optimal utilization of multi-channel machine centers.

    Convenient part transfer between main and sub spindles

    Part transfers in machining centers with a main and sub spindle can now be simply, conveniently and completely controlled in the Tebis Job Manager. The part can be transferred with fixed or rotating spindles – with appropriate angle synchronization. Because the Tebis Job Manager contains all information on part length, clamping depth, chuck lengths and part movement in the unit library and setup, there is no need to be concerned about them – the necessary data are automatically transferred. If necessary, a cutoff and feed of the stock material can be included in the part transfer. This automatic part transfer – which is represented realistically in the simulation – enables reliable and convenient manufacturing on both spindles in your machining centers. This allows you to more effectively use your equipment, increase machine utilization and increase flexibility

    Flexibly control machining centers

    Machine-specific user parameters can be set in the configuration elements on virtual machines. This permits the behavior of the machining center to be controlled by machine macros. Numerical values can be entered, or selectable values can be provided. For example, the conditions under which tools are measured, how they are to be positioned and pivoted between tool paths etc. can be specified. Many machining details can thus be flexibly specified in the Job Manager.

    More machining options with free-rotation axes

    In the event of collisions and limit switch problems that can be prevented with a different head rotation, the kinematics configurations of your virtual machines can be used to set the rotation axis with a degree of freedom to the desired value. The selected machine positioning is retained when NCJobs are recalculated.

    CAQ – Measure

    Increased productivity, thanks to measurement integrated in the process

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    Completely integrate your measuring tasks in the manufacturing process – easily and with reliable collision protection. For example, you can check to ensure that the part is correctly set up, the blank is correctly dimensioned and oriented and after machining that the part does not require any refinishing that would not otherwise be detected until after unclamping. All the necessary functions are now available in the MPoint menu – from probe calibration, point measurement and, angle measurement based on points or circles to circle and rectangle measurement and checking grooves and ribs. Integrated tolerance testing can be performed to determine whether the order can continue to be machined or has to be interrupted. This results in a reliable and highly automated process with combined milling, turning and measurement operations that prevent damage to tools and machines. This results in shorter setup and machining time, higher component quality and fewer correction grinding operations. You can benefit from these functions even on controls that don’t have their own measurement cycles.

    Clearly display and document measurement results

    Measurement results can be directly represented relative to the part in the 3D CAD/CAM data. The file generated on the CNC control can be imported with the measurement results. This then yields the measured value, the deviation, the shape parameter and the tolerance band for the measurement. If desired, you can document the evaluation graphically and in table form as a PDF.

    CAM – Job planning

    Complete collision control with material removal simulation

    Material removal simulation ensures safe and reliable collision control – the actual material on the model is reliably accounted for at all times during machining and is checked against both the tool and all machine components. The blank is updated in each machining step. 
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    Transform toolpaths with process safety

    When transforming NCJobs – including mirroring, moving, rotating and scaling – you can now specify whether the NCJob needs to be recalculated upon transformation, not initially calculated, or whether only the toolpath will be transformed without recalculating the NCJob. If you want to quickly create a symmetrically transformed toolpath, the "Transform without recalculation" option yields a quick result. This drastically reduces programming time. The NC code including machine cycles is automatically adapted to the travel direction of the toolpath. If the “Recalculate” option is selected, the NCJob is recalculated with the transformed or selected input elements. If the “Do not calculate” option is selected, you can prepare the NCJob and run the calculation at a later time, if necessary.

    Symmetrically transformed toolpath

    CAM – Laser cutting and trimming

    Simple incremental movement of paths

    Simplify the correction of modified machining operations in laser cutting and trimming. The path correction values can be input in increments. This reliably yields a new machining status with no input errors.